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Name that Subdivision

The old joke is that a subdivision is a place where they cut down the trees and name the streets after them. But the most important thing about a subdivision is its name. To expand your income and extend your professional skill, you can add subdivision naming to your resume.

The technique is simple:

1.    Combine one term from each of columns A, B, and C.
2.    If you're feeling adventurous, use only the AB, AC, or BC combinations.
3.    If you're feeling even more adventurous, use just one term (e.g., "The Meadows")
4.    If you're feeling lazy, just pick three numbers at random.
5.    If you're naming business parks, consider using "pointe" or "centre" from column C.
6.    Beware of the occasional redundancy (e.g., Sunset Ranch Ranch).




1.    East 1.    Ridge 1.    Estates
2.    West 2.    Valley 2.    Park 
3.    North 3.    Creek 3.    Commons
4.    South 4.    River 4.    Rancheros
5.    Sierra 5.    View 5.    Townhomes
6.    Laguna 6.    Bay 6.    Condos
7.    Gold 7.    Ranch 7.    Ranch
8.    Marina 8.    Park 8.    Adobes
9.    Butter 9.    Vista 9.    Centre
10.  Sunset 10.  Meadows 10.  Pointe
11.  Pine 11.  Bridge 11.  Retreats
12.  Stone 12.  Gate 12.  Villas
13.  Spanish 13.  Harbor 13.  Orchards
14.  Blue 14.  Canyon 14.  Hideaway


Telephone: 530-265-4705  Email: barry@wvswrite.com


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