Specialty Services

The senior technical writers at WVS have many years experience in a wide range of technologies and documentation procedures. In addition to our standard documentation services, we offer specialized support and guidance (consulting) on technical documentation for the Sacramento-Stockton-Modesto CA region in the following areas:

ISO9000 documentation

As business expands globally, the need to comply with international standards is also increasing. ISO 9000 is the international reference for quality management requirements in business-to-business dealings. Even if you are not involved with the international market, meeting ISO quality standards will help in the increasingly regulation-oriented environment here in the United States. WVS can ensure that your technical and regulatory documents comply with ISO9001, ISO14000 (environmental management), and Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) standards.

Pencil tied in a knotNetwork documentation

Connecting computers through conventional internal networks, intranets, and extranets, is a complex, highly technical but very necessary facet of business today. Documenting your network and how it is to be operated are equally complex and important. Let the technical writing experts at WVS develop the documents describing your current network and plans for your future networks.

SAN documentation

The Storage Area Network (SAN) is still one of the best choices for companies with large storage requirements. The technical writers at WVS have extensive experience both working with and documenting SANs. We can help document your existing setup. We can also assist you in determining your needs, guide you in your choices, and provide clear, easily undersood documentation for the whole process.

Publication department management

WVS writers have a vast range of experience as successful managers of both small and large departments. They can draw on this experience (plus further training and study in current management processes) to develop concrete plans for publication managers. These plans will help improve efficiency and morale and ultimately, the overall success of your department.

Hiring assistance

Do you have a publications project and you’re not sure if your current staffing is sufficient to complete it? Perhaps you have no technical writers on staff. WVS is happy to provide free time/cost workups and then can help you hire or contract the necessary personnel.

Documentation set structure analysis

Already have a set of documents for your products, services or processes? Let WVS review them. You might be issuing too many manuals and maybe some can be combined or deleted. Maybe you're missing a few essential manuals. Also, our experienced writers can let you know if there are any structure or design problems that could be improved.

CEO autobiographies

You’ve led your company spectacularly and you want to tell the world how it’s done but you’re not sure where to start or how to accomplish this. After all, you’re a high level manager, not a writer. Leading a large corporation takes a lot of skill and experience. Writing about it takes the same thing. We have the skill and experience to showcase your life and accomplishments. Contact us and we’ll be happy to discuss it.